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Rewarding Events
Rewarding events
Objective of the competition

In order to thank customers for their trust and support for our products, ModelingTech decides to award those who published papers based on the StarSim platform.

Objective of the competition
Application Form
Note: The achievements must be based on self-developed hardware devices from ModelingTech
  • First Prize - Selected SCI Journals


  • Second Prize - Selected SCI and EI Journals


  • Third Prize - Selected Core Journals


Standard of paper

1. In the following list
2. StarSim products are used in this paper 
3. "Starsim" appears in the abstract or key words of the article
4.The article award is based on a 2-year cycle, and the current cycle is 2023-2024.
5.Each StarSimSolver license can receive up to 2 awards per cycle.
6.Only 1 article of the same type of application from the same user will be awarded per cycle.
7.The corresponding PPT academic report and Word article summary should be prepared according to the activity details.

Classification of paper
  • Class A

    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

    IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

    IEEE Transactions on Industry Informatics

    IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine

  • Class B





    IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion

    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery

    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

    IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

    IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

    IEEE Power & Energy Magazine

    CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems

    Renewable Energy

    Electric Power Systems Research

    International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems

  • Class C












Registration Process
Click the registration button
Enter the form, fill in and submit the relevant information
After receiving the registration confirmation from ModelingTech
Submit application materials according to requirements
Pending expert review and confirmation of the award
Submit reward collection information to receive the prize
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
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